736ha land in the Danube Delta for tourism, aquaculture and agriculture investment

Réf. 1856776 | Publiée le 11/01/2016 par andreeasediu | Visiteurs : 0978
Photo 736ha land in the Danube Delta for tourism, aquaculture and agriculture investment image 1/4
  • Prix
    3 500 000.00 €
  • Pays / Région
    Suisse, Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures
  • Marque / type

More details : http://danube-delta-investment.ro or +4 0720 33 11 66 alina.sediu@gmail.com
We are looking for turism, aquaculture or agriculture companies for sale or association on our investment of 736 hectares (1.819 acres) of fish ponds in concession for 45 years, from 2007 to 2052, in the Danube Delta, Romania.
In property we have dams, canals, artificial lakes, 10 wood houses. And the an 4 brick buildings complex . Price (0,5 euro/mp)
Profit potential over 5 million / year.
On the surface of 736 ha can be developed unique activities and projects in Europe, the most profitable one is in tourism. Our proposal for the developer is building an all inclusive resort complex with floating houses and over 1,000 beds. From tourist project is expected a gain of over 10 million euro / year. Along with tourist project or separately and intensively can develop projects related to aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture.

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Re: 736ha land in the Danube Delta for tourism, aquaculture and agriculture investment
andreeasediu particulier inscrit le 06/08/2015
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