We sell company with 736 ha fish ponds suitable for tourism, acavacultura and agriculture in the Dan

Réf. 1918187 | Publiée le 27/07/2016 par sediu86 | Visiteurs : 01899
Photo We sell company with 736 ha fish ponds suitable for tourism, acavacultura and agriculture in the Dan image 1/6
  • Prix
    3 868 549.00 USD * prix négociable
  • Pays / Région
    Suisse, Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures
  • Surface
    7360000 m²

Fishponds, 736 hectares(1.819 acres) located in the Danube Delta, Romania under concession until 2052. Looking for buyer for developing large scale and unique projects in Europe with excelelent potential. Area suitable for tourism, aquaculture, agriculture, species protection and related activities .
Minimum wins 5 million euro / year.
We offer 10% commission if you recommend a buyer.

More details on
http://danube-delta-investment.ro/ or at +40720 33 11 66 alina.sediu@gmail.com
3,500,000 Euro / 736 hectares ( 4,800 euros / hectare / 0.48 euro )

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Re: We sell company with 736 ha fish ponds suitable for tourism, acavacultura and agriculture in the Dan
sediu86 particulier inscrit le 26/07/2016
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