la nourriture pour les oiseaux: poulets, canards, oies, dindes

Réf. 1915382 | Publiée le 15/07/2016 par Pawel | Visiteurs : 0942
Photo la nourriture pour les oiseaux: poulets, canards, oies, dindes image 1/3
  • Prix
    0.50 €
  • Pays / Région
    Suisse, Genève

Commercial offer

Dear customers, offer you a high-calorie food for the birds (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys).

« LLT Spółka z o.o. », hereinafter referred to as the “Seller” sell:

Sunflower seed meal of Ukrainian origin, crop 2016 (hereinafter to as the Commodity)
The Commodity is sound, loyal without alive hexapods of the grain deprecators, without a mold latent infection rate and «cold», and to correspond to the following qualitative figures:

- Protein (on dry matter basis): min. 38%
- Fiber (on dry matter basis): max. 20%
- Fat (on dry matter basis): max. 2%
- Moisture: max. 10%

The quality of the Commodity is confirmed by the Quality Certificate issued by the Producer.
The Commodity is delivered by motor transport with the further following at the Buyer’s disposal. Total quantity of the Commodity to be supplied according to the conditions – 1000 (one thousand) metric tons +/- 10% at the Buyer’s options. The Goods are shipped separate lots.
The Commodity under the present and shall sell from October 2016 till November 2016.

Requests for items accepted from August 1, 2016 by e-mail:

Best regards, Pavlo Bevkh
tel.: +48 538-676-958
mob.: +380 99 659-09-66
skype: pasha.bevkh

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Re: la nourriture pour les oiseaux: poulets, canards, oies, dindes
Pawel professionnel inscrit le 15/07/2016
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