We sell land, 736ha in the Danube Delta for tourism 18feb

Réf. 1870003 | Publiée le 18/02/2016 par andreeasediu | Visiteurs : 01053
Photo We sell land, 736ha in the Danube Delta for tourism 18feb image 1/6
  • Prix
    3 500 000.00 €
  • Pays / Région
    Suisse, Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures
  • Surface
    7360000 m²

736ha land in the Danube Delta for tourism, aquaculture and agriculture investment
More details : http://danube-delta-investment.ro/ or +4 0720 33 11 66 alina.sediu@gmail.com
We are looking for companies to sell or to associate to our investment of 736 ha (1.819 acres) in Danube Delta, Romania.
We offer 10 % commission if you recommend a buyer.Potential gains of over 5 million from tourism, aquaculture and agriculture activities.
We also own dams, canals and artificial lakes, 10 small wooden houses and a 4 blocks of brick . Price (0,5 euro/mp)

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Re: We sell land, 736ha in the Danube Delta for tourism 18feb
andreeasediu particulier inscrit le 06/08/2015
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