5 annonces 736ha land in the danube delta for tourism 9feb Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures de particuliers


We sell land 736ha in the Danube Delta for tourism, aquaculture and agriculture 12iul

Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures, Tulcea, Comuna Periprava, Romania

For more details: http://danube-delta-investment.ro or at +40720 33 11 66 alina.sediu@gmail.com 3,500,000 Euro / 736 hectares ( 4,800 euros / hectare / 0.48 euro )…
3 500 000.00 €
12 Jul 12:33

We sell land 736ha in the Danube Delta for tourism, aquaculture and agriculture 16.6

Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures, Tulcea, Comuna Periprava

Company which owns 736 ha(1.819 acres) of fish ponds in concession contract for 45 years ( 2007-2052 ) located in the extraordinary Danube Delta that flows into the Bla…
3 500 000.00 €
16 Jun 09:23

736ha land in the Danube Delta for tourism 27ian

Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures

More details : http://danube-delta-investment.ro or +4 0720 33 11 66 alina.sediu@gmail.com Fishponds, 736 hectares (1.819 acres) located in the Danube Delta, Romania un…
3 500 000.00 €
27 Jan 11:39

736 ha land in the Danube Delta for tourism 7.03

Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures, CA ROSETTI

More details : http://www.ecoturism-delta-dunarii.ro/en or +4 0720 33 11 66 alina.sediu@gmail.com We are looking for turism, aquaculture or agriculture companies for s…
3 500 000.00 €
07 Mar 10:53

We sell company with 736 ha fish ponds suitable for tourism, acavacultura and agriculture in the Dan

Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures, Tulcea, Comuna Periprava, Romania

Fishponds, 736 hectares(1.819 acres) located in the Danube Delta, Romania under concession until 2052. Looking for buyer for developing large scale and unique projects in…
3 868 549.00 USD
A négocier
27 Jul 10:11
Page générée le 19/12/2024 à 17:34:16